NACA What!?

Okay, so for the past couple of days (and until Wednesday morning) I've been in Nashville, Tennessee for the National Association for Campus Activities Convention! For those of you who do not know what NACA is, most colleges and universities have an office for campus activities. This rangers from clubs, honor societies, Greek Life, and so much more. The options are endless. Where I attend school, our clubs do their absolute best to put on events for the student body. Our programming committee and and student activities office (as a team) put on events throughout the year for students, and the first 50 days and 50 nights are geared toward incoming students. Many schools find it difficult to plan events for theri demographic, and as a delegation, my university chose nine (9) students to attend the NACA conference to bring back and plan events for the coming semester and year.

     I know it sounds cheesy, but it's really a lot of fun. There are education events, and I'm not going to lie, they are a tad uninteresting, but maybe that's because some of the things they go over are common sense (at least for me), but it's a really great program. From education offerings to career preperation to club and lecture showcases, and even the campus marketplace, my first conference has been so much fun.

    Did you think I was going to let myself stay in a convention center all day? Um, that would be a no! As a team, my peers and I (along with our advisor of course) have branched out and vistited Braodway (downtown Nashville) and visited some interesting eateries. Let me tell you something; I don't think I've eaten this good in a very long time. I love BBQ and that's exactly what I've had since we've been here. Would I change my mind? Nope!

    For those of you who think I'm a little hyper at the moment, I am. Energy drinks are not in my vocabulary, however, tea and sugar are (I apologize for the craziness in advance via YouTube). Tuesday night or sometime on Wednesday when I get back to New York I will be doing a video on YouTube on my experience at NACA. Yes, I will be posting it here, but I have so much to share with you all that I cannot possibly type it and it sound at all enthusiastic. However, until then, please be careful with the consumption of Arnold Palmer and alcohol you consume (I am not condoning drinking, however if you are over the age of 21, Arnold Palmer and a little bit of vodka or tequila does the trick--at least that's what I've heard).

Have a wonderful week!!!!!